Department of Building Structures and Material Engineering was established in 2000. As part of its activities, the decades-long tradition of teaching and research achievements of employees who previously laid the foundations of technical knowledge at the Gdańsk University of Technology in the field of general and industrial construction, wooden structures, building materials and construction chemicals, renovation and modernization of structures, building physics and maintenance historical building substance. The main scientific and research interests of the people who make up the Department focus on the analysis of the load-bearing capacity of concrete, reinforced concrete, steel, composite, wooden and composite structures, the cracking process and concrete under quasi-static, dynamic and fatigue loads, microstructure of building materials, silo structure and behaviour loose materials, transport of heat and mass through structural elements of buildings, energy-efficient buildings and sustainable systems in construction. The Department has extensive experience in the implementation of experimental research and numerical calculations using FEM, XFEM, DEM and CFD methods. Much research was carried out as part of national international research projects co-financed by the National Science Center (NCN), the National Center for Research and Development (NCBiR) and the European Union. The potential of qualifications and professional qualifications of the Department's employees as well as laboratory equipment enables the provision of a wide range of design and expert services for the industry. Details on the scientific and research achievements of the Department's employees are available on the MOST Wiedzy website.