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The process of submitting a doctoral dissertation

Step 1.

Contact by an email or phone number with the person responsible for science discipline, before submitting the documentation:

  • Beata Woźniczka – environmental engineering, mining and energy discipline (IŚGiE), email:, phone: +48 58 347 26 07,
  • Dorota Kodź  – civil engineeringgeodesy and transport discipline (ILGiT), contact:, phone no. +48 58 347 12 90.

Step 2.

Submit all needed documents 14 days before the planned date of the meeting of the council of the selected discipline ( at the Faculty Office – room no. 156, Main Building Gdańsk Tech.

Prepare those documents for submission:

  1. Application and a certificate of achievement of learning outcomes for a qualification of level 8 of the Polish Qualification Framework.
  2. 5 copies of the doctoral dissertation with electronic versions and the result of the JSA verification.
  3. ZR No. 30/2022 in paper and electronic version.
  4. Positive opinion of the supervisor about the doctoral dissertation.
  5. Current list of scientific publications.
  6. Summary and abstract.
  7. Personal questionnaire (ID card for verification).
  8. All documents above and the title of the doctoral dissertation should be sent to the e mail of the person responsible for scientific discipline.