Department of Building Engineering
The Department of Building Engineering continues the tradition of the Department of Building Economics, brought to life in 1965. In the Department, the first in Poland specialisation of Organization and Management in Building Industry was introduced in 1974 and it is conducted continuingly by the Department staff members up till now. In its long-time history, the Department undertook numerous organizational changes, including its name updating (e.g. the following names were used: Department of Technology and Management, Department of Technology and Management in Building Industry, Department of Metal Structures and Construction Management, Department of Construction Management and Earthquake Engineering). The Department of Building Engineering, in its present form, is the first and the only one in Poland to direct its scientific-research targets into a broad range of building enterprise management, investment schedules, optimization of investment process, investment risk, cost estimations, Bayesian networks, neural networks, dynamics of metal structures and earthquake engineering. In its scientific-research studies, the Department cooperates with a number of research institutions in Poland and abroad.