Gdansk University of Technology with the status of a Research University | Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-06-11

Gdansk University of Technology with the status of a Research University

Uczelnia badawcza
Gdańsk University of Technology took second place in the country and was ranked highest among technical universities in the competition ‘Excellence Initiative - Research University’ (IDUB). The aim of the competition organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education was to select and support 10 best universities that will become research centers and will be able to successfully compete with the best universities in Europe and in the world.  

All beneficiaries of the IDUB program in 2020-2026 will receive a subsidy from the state budget increased by 10%. In the case of Gdańsk University of Technology, this means additional funds in the amount of approximately PLN 200 million, which, according to the program assumptions, will be allocated to the further, dynamic development of the university, including activities under the newly created Gdańsk Tech Research Centers: BioTechMed Center, EcoTech Center, Materials Of the Future Center and the Digital Technologies Center and to attracting the best scientists and students.