Prestigious FPS scholarships for researchers from Gdańsk Tech | Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-06-28

Prestigious FPS scholarships for researchers from Gdańsk Tech

FPS scholarships
Beata Zima, PhD, Eng. from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Paulina Parcheta-Szwindowska, PhD, Eng. from the Faculty of Chemistry and PhD student, MSc. Karolina Górnicka from the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics are among the prestigious winners of the START scholarship program of the Foundation for the Development of Polish Science.

Beata Zima, PhD, Eng. is an assistant professor at the Department of Structural Mechanics (FC&EE). Her greatest achievements so far include the development of a number of algorithms for detecting, locating and estimating the size of damage in elements of engineering structures. This solution enables effective detection of subsurface damage without interfering with the structure of the construction and without the need to carry out reference measurements, so in a shorter time and at a lower cost than with the currently available methods. Moreover, it can be used not only in construction, but also for diagnostics of machine elements, ships, rail joints, welds and in biomechanics. For the series of ten publications entitled "Analysis and use of wave propagation to identify mechanical damage" she was awarded the 2020 Gdańsk Scientific Society and the President of the City of Gdańsk awards for young scientists. In 2021, she also received the Gdańsk Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences award for the best creative work published in 2020. in the field of technical sciences. Currently, she continues her work on the improvement and development of new diagnostic processes as part of a project financed by the National Science Center.

The START program

The START program of the Foundation for Polish Science is the country's oldest scholarship program for the best young scientists representing all fields of science. The program aims to support outstanding young scientists and encourage them to further scientific development. Scholarship recipients are selected through a multi-stage competition, in which the quality of their current scientific achievements is assessed. Out of 1,034 this year's candidates, 100 people will receive scholarships. The winners receive an annual scholarship of PLN 28,000, which they can spend as they want.