OBRAZ KONSTRUKCJI - STRUCTURAL IMAGE | Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-04-21


Logo of koło naukowe forever young.
The activities of the FOREVER YOUNG Scientific Community involve a brand-new idea OBRAZ KONSTRUKCJI - STRUCTURAL IMAGE.

In its framework, any interested person selects an engineering structure, preparing a presentation, the possible forms are:

- a series of pictures and a body text - structural description,

- a ready-made video presentation.

The presentation in any form, is published in the FOREVER YOUNG community websites:

Mechanics Ever 

KN Forever Young

The proposed presentation may cover a general inquiry, instead of a single structure overview, the examples: images to cover a specified structural type, mechanical models of selected real structures.

Please, accept our kindest invitation to join the course.

Contact: dr inż. Marek Skowronek, prof. uczelni, mskowro@pg.edu.pl