Students from Gdansk Tech are among the best in Poland | Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-02-08

Students from Gdansk Tech are among the best in Poland

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Students from Gdansk Tech Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering were awarded in a competition in the field of geodesy and cartography for the best engineering and master's degree theses performed as part of full-time and part-time studies in all types of universities in Poland. Monika Bejrowska and Agata Adamczyk took second and third place in their categories.

The organizer of the competition was the Association of Polish Surveyors and the Chief Surveyor of the Country. Both entities responsible for all organizational matters related to the conduct of the Competition had no doubts that the students from Gdansk Tech Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering deserved to call them top of the top. In the category of master's degree theses 2022/2023, second place was taken by Ms. Monika Bejrowska for her work "Shoreline extraction method to determine the area of ​​permissible maneuvers of an autonomous unmanned floating platform based on sensory fusion of images from LiDAR and video cameras". The thesis supervisor was prof. Ph.D. engineer Andrzej Stateczny. Third place was awarded to Ms. Agata Adamczyk for her work "BIM modeling in structure analysis", the supervisor was Dr. Eng. Paweł Tysiąc.

The main idea of the Competition was to rich the best diploma theses prepared as part of full-time and part-time studies in the field of geodesy and cartography or related fields, characterized by the highest scientific level, practical potential and originality of the solution. Moreover, the Competition was aimed at stimulating scientific, inventive and rationalizing creativity and facilitating the career start of the best graduates of geodesy and cartography. The subject of the Competition were engineering or master's degree theses written as part of full-time or part-time studies in geodesy and cartography.

The diploma thesis submitted to the Competition could be written in Polish or English. What is also crucial is the fact that the submitted works had to receive a very good grade at their universities. Therefore, aspects such as the scientific level of the diploma thesis, the practical importance of the issue posed and analyzed in the thesis, the degree of difficulty of the task undertaken, the method of solving the problem, the innovation and originality of the proposed solutions, the innovative and creative nature of the work, form of presentation of the work and graphic design of it. The Competition Committee was composed of academic teachers from at least four universities offering studies in geodesy and cartography. The competition winners received participation diplomas. In both categories, the authors of the three best works submitted to the Competition were also awarded cash and material prizes. The prize winners received the title of conqueror of the Competition for the best engineering and master's degree theses in Poland.