Date added: 2024-02-29
Behind us are the academic promotions of 2024!

On Wednesday, February 28, a solemn session of the Senate of Gdańsk University of Technology took place in the Aula of the University to celebrate academic promotions.
During the event, the university rector, Prof. Krzysztof Wilde, accepted into the ranks of professors of Gdańsk University of Technology both male and female scholars, and also solemnly conferred promotions to the degree of Ph.D. habil. and Ph.D., as well as the "Diploma of the Year" awards.
In total, over 100 individuals received academic promotions, having obtained their title or degree in 2023.
Among them were also two employees of the Department of Geodesy:
- Ph.D. Eng. Karolina Makowska-Jarosik
Supervisor: Prof. Ph.D. Eng. Waldemar Kamiński
Assistant Supervisor: Ph.D. Eng. Bartosz Sobczyk - Ph.D. Eng. Emilia Miszewska
Ph.D. habil. Eng. Maciej Niedostatkiewicz, Prof. GUT
Ph.D. habil. Radosław Wiśniewski, Prof. AEH
A fragment from the promotion ceremony of the employees of the Department of Geodesy, as well as the entire recording from the 2024 academic promotions ceremony, can be found on the Gdańsk University of Technology YouTube channel, link below:
Congratulations and best wishes for further success!
The original article can be found on the Gdańsk University of Technology website - HERE