Aktualności | Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Department of Concrete Structures


Konstrukcje z betonu jako temat zainteresowań naukowych i obszar działalności dydaktycznej, było obecne od samego początku istnienia politechniki w Gdańsku (Technische Hochschule). Działalność ta prowadzona była w okresie przedwojennym na Katedrze Statyki i Budownictwa Żelbetowego (Lehrstuhl fur Statik und Eisenbetonbau), której ostatnim kierownikiem był prof. Luhrs.


jerusalema challenge
Dear Students, Join us in the Jerusalema dance :) We invite the entire university community to record this unique dance to express our connection with the world during isolation and hope for a better tommorow, and at the same time share the joy of dance with those who might miss it. The recording will take place on Friday, 12.03, at 8:00 AM and will be preceded by the rehearsal on Thursday, 11.03, at 9:00 AM. We will meet in the courtyard in front of the Main Building.  

In order to get to know how many people we have, we ask you to register for the event: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDNV4WExps1kFrlP6WgYZpBwhkEvDfTuN5OmqamjBKZ670Sg/viewform?usp=sf_link

Please wear jeans and if possible a white top +  redscarf. And of course a mask!


Forever young
On befalf of the community Forever Young we would like to invite you for an oline meeting ''Uncertainty in structural analysis''. The meeting will take place on Saturday 15th of May, at 8:30 PM

On befalf of the community Forever Young we would like to invite you for an oline meeting ''Uncertainty in structural analysis''. The meeting will take place on Saturday 15th of May, at 8:30 PM

You can join the meeting via: https://enauczanie.pg.edu.pl/moodle/mod/clickmeeting/view.php?id=782566

Internship - Keller MEA - United Arab Emirates

We would like to invite Civil Engineering students to participate in the online meeting ''Internship - Keller MEA - United Arab Emirates'', which will be held 18th of May at 10:00 a.m. 

Keller (MEA) offers a paid internship in the United Arab Emirates. Candidates who successfully complete the recruitment process can receive a remuneration (EUR 900 per month), accommodation and assistance in relocating from Poland to the United Arab Emirates. The internship is aimed at graduates of engineering and master's studies in construction.

If you are interested in participating, please complete our application form: https://forms.gle/18evyCiyn8xy8UFF9
After registration, you will receive a link with an invitation to the meeting.

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