
The Department of Geodesy is an organizational unit within the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology. As the only unit at the Gdańsk University of Technology, it fulfills tasks related to geodesy and cartography, and above all in the fields of engineering geodesy, photogrammetry, remote sensing, real estate management, spatial information systems as well as GPS navigation and measurements.

Within the Department of Geodesy, there are Teaching Staff related to subjects and training, as well as Research and Development Teams conducting scientific works and technical implementations in cooperation with business entities and research and development units.


  • 2024-02-29

    Behind us are the academic promotions of 2024!

    On Wednesday, February 28, a solemn session of the Senate of Gdańsk University of Technology took place in the Aula of the University to celebrate academic promotions. During the event, the university rector, Prof. Krzysztof Wilde, accepted into the ranks of professors of Gdańsk University of Technology both male and female scholars, and also solemnly conferred promotions to the degree of...

  • 2024-02-26

    Gdańsk University of Technology partner in the international consortium in the new PLAN-B project

    PLAN-B is a project aimed at devising a strategy to counteract the negative impact of light pollution and noise on biodiversity and terrestrial ecosystems. It is funded by the European Union's "Horizon Europe" program. The project leaders at GUT are: Ph.D. Eng. Arch. Karolina M. Zielińska-Dąbkowska (Faculty of Architecture), Ph.D. Eng. Paweł Tysiąc (Faculty of Civil and...

  • 2024-02-22


    We invite you to submit scientific papers to the special issue of COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ELSEVIER. The special issue has been launched by: Ph.D. Pei Xiao (University of Surrey, United Kingdom), Prof. Alex Alexandridis (University of West Attica, Greece), Ph.D. Eng. Paweł Burdziakowski (Department of Geodesy WILIŚ, Gdańsk University of Technology). Title of...

  • 2024-02-19

    Polish Science Day 2024

    Today we celebrate an important scientific holiday in Poland - Polish Science Day! It's a perfect opportunity to celebrate the achievements of Polish scientists and acknowledge their contribution to the development of science worldwide. Poland can boast outstanding scientists such as: Maria Skłodowska-Curie, Mikołaj Kopernik, Ludwik Hirszfeld, Stefan Banach, Henryk...

  • 2024-02-01

    High achievements by Gdańsk University of Technology's Geodesy and Cartography students in a nationwide competition!

    The Geodesy and Cartography students from Gdańsk University of Technology have achieved exceptional success in the nationwide competition for the best diploma theses of the 2022/23 edition! We warmly congratulate Monika Bejrowska, who won second place for her master's thesis on "Method of coastline extraction for determining the area of permissible maneuvers of an autonomous unmanned...

  • 2023-11-27

    On November 10, 2023, an open meeting of the Board of the SGP Branch in Gdańsk took place

    On November 10, 2023, at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Gdańsk University of Technology, an open meeting of the Board of the Branch of the Polish Surveyors' Association in Gdańsk was held. The host of the meeting was Ph.D. Eng. Daria Filipiak-Kowszyk, the president of the Hevelius branch of the Association of Polish Surveyors (SGP) operating at the Gdańsk...

  • 2023-10-04

    Competition for the Best Bachelor's and Master's Thesis

    We would like to remind you about the opportunity to submit your bachelor's and master's thesis to the competition for the Best Bachelor's and Master's Thesis! Submission deadlines: February 28, 2023 - for bachelor's theses, November 05, 2023 - for master's theses (the date has been changed). Detailed information can be found on the website: https://link.pg.edu.pl/wdalmierz

  • 2023-09-26

    Strengthening Polish-Lithuanian Cooperation by Geodesists from Gdańsk University of Technology

    Nearly four months ago, we reported on the journey of three young researchers from the Department of Geodesy at Gdańsk University of Technology to Lithuania with the aim of establishing research cooperation with the academic staff of the Department of Geodesy and Cadastre at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. At that time, Ph.D. Eng. Paweł Burdziakowski, Ph.D. Eng. Paweł Tysiąc,...