"Chicks grow feathers" – Full Completion of Aviation Training
A group of students from the Geodesy and Cartography profile in Low Altitude Photogrammetry are completing their aviation training as part of their studies. This training has been ongoing for 4 months, and regular drone flights allow them to continuously improve their piloting skills. Our fledglings, who not long ago were taking their first timid and nervous flights, now confidently venture...
Joint measurements of the Gdańsk University of Technology and the Polish Naval Academy at the Military Airport
On May 12, 2023, measurements of the Gdańsk University of Technology and the Polish Naval Academy at the Babie Doły Military Airport in Gdynia took place. Joint measurements were made in the field of GNSS, Gravimetry and Seismography.
Employee of the Department of Geodesy at Gdańsk University of Technology Wins the Polish Academy of Sciences Award!
The Gdańsk branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences has awarded Ph.D. Eng. Marek Hubert Zienkiewicz the prize for young scientists for the best creative work published in 2022. The distinction for an employee of the Department of Geodesy, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, has been awarded for scientific research described in the article „Identification of unstable reference...
Where did the geodesists come back from? Relation from photogrammetric measurements in Vilnius
„Where did the Lithuanian people come back from?”- this is how Adam Mickiewicz asked almost two hundred years ago in his immortal historical poem entitled "Konrad Wallenrod". The attribute of great poetry is its timelessness and universality, which is why verses from the works of the outstanding Polish-Lithuanian national poet-prophet can be boldly paraphrased by writing: "Where did the...
First edition of Postgraduate Studies in GIS
We are pleased to announce the commencement of recruitment for the postgraduate studies program "Geographic Information Systems, Geoinformatics". Postgraduate studies provide an excellent opportunity to deepen your knowledge and skills in the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and to gain valuable experiences that will contribute to the development of your professional...
M.Sc. Eng. Monika Bejrowska, a geodesy student, has received the Vice-Chancellor's Award: "Diploma of the Year" for the year 2022.
The "Diploma of the Year" award is granted by the Vice-Chancellor of Gdańsk University of Technology to the author/authors of the best master's thesis defended at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the calendar year 2022. The nominated master's thesis was required to include the most interesting practical solution with high utility, innovation, and quality of...
Ph.D. Eng. Jakub Szulwic from the Department of Geodesy has been appointed as a member of the State Geodetic and Cartographic Council.
We are pleased to announce that Ph.D. Eng. Jakub Szulwic from the Department of Geodesy, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology, has been appointed as a member of the State Geodetic and Cartographic Council. The new composition of the State Geodetic and Cartographic Council, functioning under the Chief Geodesist of the Country, will act as an...
Prof. Ph.D. habil. Eng. Mariusz Figurski has been appointed to the Committee on Space and Satellite Research
We are pleased to announce that Prof. Ph.D. habil. Eng. Mariusz Figurski, a member of the Department of Geodesy, has been appointed by the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) to the Committee on Space and Satellite Research for the term 2023-2026, on February 21, 2023. The inaugural meeting of the Committee on Space and Satellite Research at the Presidium of PAN will take...