Aktualności | Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Plan-B project and international meeting at Gdańsk Tech

A meeting as part of the PLAN-B project was held at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The main topic of the talks was the impact of light pollution on ecosystems and biodiversity in Gdańsk City.

So far, the four-year, multidisciplinary research has been coordinated by the University of Ghent. Now, at the Gdańsk University of Technology, the project will be implemented by the Faculty of Architecture and the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The project managers at GUT are: Dr. Eng. Paweł Tysiąc (WILiŚ) and Dr. Eng. arch. Karolina M.

AFROTRANS - International teaching project

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On April 2-8 this year. The inaugural meeting of the international AFROTRANS project took place in Cameroon. The participants of the meeting were academic teachers and scientists from European Union countries (Poland, Germany, Austria) and from Africa (Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo). The Gdańsk University of Technology was represented by Wojciech Kustra, Tomasz Mackun and Maciej Sawicki from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering https://wilis.pg.edu.pl/en

The meeting allowed us to learn about the context of transport in African countries. European partners presented modern teaching methods that will be used in the project. An inherent element of the meeting was mutual cultural understanding, which will allow for reliable communication and cooperation.

Tomasz Ciborowski "The Best of the best"

Tomasz Ciborowski
Tomasz Ciborowski from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering will represent the Gdańsk University of Technology in the finals of this year's edition of the Red Rose Competition.

Tomasz Ciborowski is a fifth-year construction student at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Since May 2022, he has been participating in three research projects under the PLUTONIUM program.

A Delegation from Gdańsk University of Technology visit Shenzhen

Delegates from GdańskTech, PhD., DSc., Eng. Aneta Łuczkiewicz, Assoc. Prof., Vice-Dean for Cooperation and Promotion, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Professor DSc., Eng. Małgorzata Szczerska, Chair of the Biomedical Engineering Board of Gdansk University of Technology; PhD., Eng. Paweł Wityk, Faculty of Chemistry from Gdańsk University of Technology (GdańskTech) visits Shenzhen International Graduate School (SIGS) of Tsinghua University, ranked 12th by THE and 25th by QS World University Rankings

On February 26 The GdańskTech representatives:

GREEN-BEING: staff week on sustainable development (May 20-24, 2024)

Gdańsk University of Technology invites employees of higher education institutions to participate in the staff week, focusing on sustainable development (May 20-24, 2024).


May 20-24, 2024 (from Monday to Friday)
Gdańsk University of Technology (Polish name: Politechnika Gdańska) – Google maps

During the staff week, we will discuss:

The only and unique lecture by a professor from the USA

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The Department of Transportation Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering cordially invite to the guest lecture by Professor Björn Birgisson from Georgia University (USA) on "Towards a Resilient Road and Bridge Infrastructure".

Professor Birgisson will be a guest of the Department of Transport Engineering on March 2nd - 9th(2-9.03.2024) as part of the Einsteinium IDUB program

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