Aktualności | Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Important events for new international students

Are you an international student starting your studies at Gdańsk University of Technology in October? Be sure to read about the events we have prepared for you and your fellow students who are also beginning their student journey in Gdańsk.

At the beginning of each academic semester, the International Relations Office of Gdańsk Tech organizes two events for newly admitted international students: Student Registration and Welcome Meeting.

Both events are important not only because new international students can complete the registration process and obtain important information regarding formalities related to their stay in Poland. Newcomers can also get to know their fellow students with whom they will be studying for the next few years.

Workshops within the GreenerFlow project

Smiling people.
On August 10-11, 2023, a workshop was held at Gdansk University of Technology as part of the GreenerFlow project. The workshop was attended by 15 participants from seven organizations: Gdansk University of Technology (organizer), RISE AB (Research Institutes of Sweden), Warsaw University of Technology, Lund University, VTI (Sweden), Municipality of Gdansk (Gdansk Roads and Greenery Authority) and Municipality of Malmo.

During the workshop, we discussed the current challenges related to the congestion problem and how these can be addressed within future research and projects. The discussion involved both the methodological issues (including data sources, pilot project ideas, potential outputs and contributions), estimated budget, project consortium building, and novelty of project element. The arrangements coming from the workshop were included in the future project assumptions, methodology and the workplan.

Gdańsk University of Technology for the fourth time in the Shanghai ranking

The Academic Ranking of World Universities
For the fourth time, Gdańsk University of Technology was classified in the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), i.e. the so-called Shanghai ranking, which is considered the most prestigious ranking of universities in the world. Only nine Polish universities were included in the ranking.

The ranking of the best universities in the world, called the Shanghai List, has been prepared by the Jiao Tong University in Shanghai since 2003. The exact place in the ranking is known only for the top 100 universities in the world. The remaining places are listed only approximately - universities appear in groups of 100 institutions.

The ranking classifies universities from around the world according to several indicators:

Smart rainwater quality monitoring system — to be tested in Sopot

An online monitoring system for detection of contamination in rainwater drainage systems and rainwater retention tanks, will be jointly developed by researchers from Gdańsk, Kraków and Łódź. The system, equipped with advanced biosensors and artificial intelligence, is to support effective water management in the city in times of climate change. It is to be the first such advanced system in Poland and it will be tested in Sopot.

A consortium consisting of an interfaculty team of scientists from Gdańsk University of Technology, researchers from AGH University of Science and Technology and Łódź University of Technology and PM Ecology will develop, manufacture and implement the modular MoReLogg system for monitoring pollution of anthropogenic origin, i.e. caused by human activity.

Invitation to the workshops GreenerFlow

Cars on the road
GreenerFlow: Towards greener traffic flow in the South Baltic Region (SBR): a data-driven approach to the congestion problem

We invite potential partners and parties interested in congestion research to join us at our workshop on August 10th-11th, 2023 in Gdansk, Poland. The meeting will be held in a historical main building of Gdansk University of Technology (see the location: https://goo.gl/maps/WVnJnYqGpAjxcfeM6), room 155.

ENHANCE invites - summer school on diversity and gender

The Technical University of Berlin invites students (bachelor, master or doctoral degrees) to the "ENHANCE Summer School on Gender and Diversity in Science, Technology and Society" which will take place in September. The deadline for registration is June 26th. The number of places is limited. 

In 2022, Gdańsk University of Technology joined the ENHANCE Alliance - an association of 10 European technical universities. Thanks to the presence at ENHANCE, students and employees of Gdańsk Tech have the opportunity to participate in winter and summer schools, seminars and other interesting events on various topics. The next such event - this time for students and PhD students, will be organized in September 2023. This time Technical University of Berlin - ENHANCE member, invites to summer school on diversity in science, technology and society. 

Towards greener traffic flow in the South Baltic Region (SBR): a data-driven approach to the congestion problem

Earth with cars.
About the project

The challenge. Congestion is a problem of many metropolitan areas. Increasing severity and duration of traffic jams lead to delays, increased fuel consumption, increased stress of road users, air quality degradation and increased risk of road incidents. The way to mitigate the impact is to efficiently manage traffic flow on roadways.

Winners of Redivivus Wind Turbine Blades

Winner's project
The research team from Gdańsk Tech from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Faculty of Architecture under the leadership of prof. dr hab. Eng. Magdalena Rucka wants to develop practical methods for recycling composite material obtained from end-of-life wind turbine blades.

As part of the Redivivus Wind Turbine Blades project, a student competition was announced for the development of conceptual designs for a bicycle shelter and any building structure.

On April 28, the Fahrenheit Courtyard the winning projects were awarded. We are proud of our students thanks to whom Gdansk Tech can become, to paraphrase prof. dr. hab. Eng. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of Gdansk Tech, more beautiful and modern as well as more ecological.

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