Data dodania: 2022-03-24
Praca dla badacza z Ukrainy

Poniżej szczegóły oferty w języku angielskim.
Job offer for a researcher from Ukraine
In a research project “Complex investigations of the development of micro- and macro-cracks in concrete members using elastic waves: experiments and discrete element method modelling” financed by the National Science Centre, Poland (OPUS 18, no 2019/35/B/ST8/01905, principal investigator: prof. Magdalena Rucka).
Could not load image from CDN: Client error: `GET` resulted in a `404 Not Found` response: File not foundKeywords
concrete, damage detection, micro-cracks, macro-cracks, discrete element method, concrete meso-structure, micro-computed tomography, elastic wave propagation, ultrasonic testing, acoustic emission, experiments, numerical modelling
Research objective
The purpose of the project is to explain the mechanism of propagation and scattering of elastic waves at the aggregate-level and their interaction with micro- and macro-cracking in concrete members subjected to monotonic quasi-static loading. The aim of the project lies in the current research trend to develop effective and reliable diagnostics systems utilizing non-destructive testing techniques. Research investigations consist of two complementary parts: experimental and numerical. In the experimental part, a comprehensive program of monitoring of micro- and macro-cracks’ development in concrete specimens will be carried out by means of elastic waves. Two approaches using elastic waves will be used, i.e. the ultrasonic testing, where the elastic wave is generated by a PZT actuator, and the acoustic emission testing, where the elastic wave is generated by cracking of concrete. Additionally, the advanced micro-computed tomography system will be used for imaging the 3D concrete meso-structure and fracture evolution in concrete. The coupled experiments and calculations will yield new insight into the propagation of elastic waves in heterogeneous materials. The influence of concrete meso-structure on elastic wave scattering will be studied. Relationships between the micro/macro-cracks and characteristics of propagating acoustic and ultrasonic waves at the aggregate level will be elaborated. New algorithms capable of detecting micro-defect zones before the formation of visible damage will be developed.
- at least PhD degree (known as the Candidate of Sciences under the Ukrainian system) in civil engineering, mechanics or related fields,
- employment at an Ukrainian university or other research centre directly before the outbreak of the war,
- arrival in Poland, not earlier than 24. Feb. 2022, directly related to the military operations,
- research interests, earlier activities and experience broadly related to the subject of the project, i.e. mechanics of materials, numerical methods, technology and concrete mechanics, non-destructive testing, ultrasonics,
- practical skills: numerical methods, performing of experiments, data analysis, programming; MATLAB skills and experience in concrete testing is desired,
- good English skills.
The project includes a wide range of experimental-numerical research investigations connected with concrete, micro- and macro-cracks’ development and non-destructive testing techniques. You are not expected to be an expert in all project tasks. We will certainly define a specific research problem to work together on. Exemplary tasks could be:
- modelling of elastic wave propagation,
- conducting experimental tests using techniques of ultrasonic waves and acoustic emission,
- analysis and interpretation of the obtained results.
The conditions of employment
- time period – maximum 1 year, starting not later than June 30, 2022,
- salary – 6400 PLN/month gross
Required documents
- CV with a description of scientific interests.
The CV should be sent by e-mail to the project leader, prof. Magdalena Rucka,
In the title of the e-mail, please write “OPUS 18: researcher from Ukraine”.
For more detailed information please contact the project leader: prof. Magdalena Rucka,
Detailed information about the project are available at:,779-1
Information of the National Science Centre about the opportunities for Ukrainian researchers:
Could not load image from CDN: Client error: `GET` resulted in a `404 Not Found` response: File not found The offer in pdf file (pdf, 140.92kB)-
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